HOPE Sermons

Moses - David Dwight | Walk On

Episode Summary

Senior Pastor David Dwight continued our series on ordinary people called by an extraordinary God with a message on Moses. The Lord called on Moses to ask Pharoah to free the Israelites, but Moses felt he was inadequate for the job. He even asked God, “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?” The Lord answered him, not with precise answers, but by promising His presence. This passage tells us that the good news is that it’s not so much about us, but God with us. It’s not that we have all the perfect character traits, strengths, and abilities to do the job, but that we faith in the Lord. The common thread between Abraham, Joesph, Moses, and all the other people we will cover in Walk On, is that they were faithful + obedient in saying yes to Him.