HOPE Sermons

Manger / The Surprise of Christmas

Episode Summary

In week two of our Advent sermon series The Surprise of Christmas, Senior Pastor David Dwight teaches on the manger — the feed trough where our newborn Savior was laid in place of a crib or cradle. There's something significant about this, though... the modest being used for the most majestic, this space where food was placed being used for Jesus, who we know as the Bread of Life, the Passover Lamb, the Giver and Sustainer of Life in ways not even Mary could have known or understood when she laid her baby down to sleep.

Episode Notes

In week two of our Advent sermon series The Surprise of Christmas, Senior Pastor David Dwight teaches on the manger — the feed trough where our newborn Savior was laid in place of a crib or cradle. There's something significant about this, though... the modest being used for the most majestic, this space where food was placed being used for Jesus, who we know as the Bread of Life, the Passover Lamb, the Giver and Sustainer of Life in ways not even Mary could have known or understood when she laid her baby down to sleep.

In today's sermon, we unpack more of the surprising depth and meaning of the manger, using Luke 2:6-12 as our key passage.

Find all sermons from this series at hopechurchrva.com/sermons